Thursday, December 10, 2009

I'm uncomfortable with a male ballet teacher?

I am uncomfortable with a male ballet teacher. We must wear tights and a leotard only, and I'm not exactly that skinny. It's not that I don't like him, because I do, but I... just... when I'm on my period and I take his class with only a leotard and tights, won't my pad show through? Don't even get me started on wearing tampons.


I'm uncomfortable with a male ballet teacher?imax theatre

It's all about comfort level. If you are not comfortable taking his class, it is better to just find another teacher or studio. It's great that you like him but you really can't control your comfort level.

If it helps, ballet dancers come in all shapes and sizes. Dancing is a great way to lose some weight and build tone and strength. Your male teacher has probably seen all shapes and sizes and will not be judging you. His goal is to teach you ballet.

As for your pad, unless it's very thick, it shouldn't show through. Since class is only an hour or so, just put a thinner pad on before class and change again to your regular one right after.

I'm uncomfortable with a male ballet teacher?performing show opera theater

if you don't have a really strict dress code you could wear either a ballet skirt over your leotard or if you don't want to do that ( i don't blame you if you dont) you could get some shorts. At my studio we call them booty shorts but they are really short and tight. has lots of good ones. Just find some that match your leotard!
Just wear a thin pad and change it often, these days pads are very thin yet hold a lot and arent bulky like they used to be
a dancer must show confidence at all times, a dancer knows not what comfort is, that's what dance truly expresses, because I love dance so much I could dance even if i was leaking blood to my soles
Really you should just consider wearing a tampon, the first modern tampon was made exactly for a ballet dancer..And tampons aren't uncomfortable, most people don't notice them at all.
don't worry, about feeling self consicous with the male ballet teacher. dance is mostly made up of girls, and i'm sure he's used to teaching them and i'm sure some girls have unexpedetly gotten periods in his class.

you do not have to wear a tampon, i've worn the heaviest pad to the thickest pad during dance. when i get my period, i will wear underwear (even though some people dont usually, i dont when i dont have my period.) and then wear my pad. Its not just any underwear, its a style called bikini underwear, so you cant see it and its high cut so your leotard will cover it. leotard leg cuts come in different styles. the most common is called ballet cut line which is a very high cut which can sometimes show your underwear. there other styles that arent as high cut that u could try. i use the ballet cutline, wear the bikini underwear, and it covers it. i still havenr even tried tampons, but ive heard they arent as uncomfortable as they sound. as for now, your male ballet teacher would want you to feel confident in his class. my male teacher has become my favorite becuas ehe can teahc you os much about partening and what the male has to do. you'll be fine, dont worry. happy dancing!??
tampons aren't uncomfortable if you use them correctly. that's what dancers have to do... we have to wear tampons. it's either that or you could wear a panty liner (which won't show) but you'll have to change it every couple of minutes. with pads there's a good chance that you could get some leakage and in tights and a leotard, that could be incredibly embarrassing. just try the tampon. tampons are your friends lol =]
Well if you are ONLY allowed to wear leotard and tights then you should think about getting a teacher change, but you really like him so can't you wear your underwear, I mean I go to Chamberlain and we are allowed to wear underwear as long as it doesn't show through our leotard and tights.

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