Saturday, December 5, 2009

Will my leg bones become abnormal if i start ballet?

will my leg bones become abnormal if i doing ballet? i heard somebody say it will and somebody say it will not...

please tell me the answer ....i'm very anxious whether i can start ballet or not...

Will my leg bones become abnormal if i start ballet?getting late

If you start off doing regular non-pointe (on the toes) ballet, you will be fine. No matter what age. BUT if you want to go on pointe, you need to go through much training with flat shoes BEFORE to condition your body for the stress... Have you ever heard of BALLET FEET? You will get blisters, corns, broken toes, spurs, and eventually you may get bunions. That's the price to pay for grace on the dance floor. (you pay with UGLY feet.. I hope you have a good pedicurist!)

Will my leg bones become abnormal if i start ballet?regal theater opera theater

i think the only way to screw up a bone is to break it.
No your leg bones shouldn't if you have proper instruction with a good teacher. However, it can screw up your feet. (Dancers feet are always ugly!) :0)
ballet will improve your posture and structure and make you more flexible not turn your bones into something weird =)
not unless it directly interferes with your spinal structure, which has a great deal of relevence to how the bones in your foot and legs function.
bones has cells in them that reshape and restructure them to specific loads in specific places, astronauts have smaller bones if they are in space for too long because no stress on bones, but with proper instruction i think you should be fine
If you start early then there will be excessive wear on your hip joints and your knees, there is also a possiblity of damage to your foot bones. Frankly, if you are over the age of 13 and wish to take it up with the aim of going pro, then it would prove difficult to catch up with the rest of the pack. But that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it for the exercise.
Only if this is the situation:

You are under the age of 11.

You have not taken at least 3 years of lessons.

If you are over 11, and have taken 3 years of lessons, you should be A-OK. They only say that because if you are put on POINTE too early when your bones are still growing, it messes up your legs and feet pretty badly. But that is only when going on pointe. Start your little ballet lessons now, then when you are older with years experience, you can move onto pointe! Good luck!
No of course they will not, but I think I know where this myth comes from.

If children start to learn ballet very young, while their skeleton is still soft, then it IS possible their bones can become deformed. Some children's bones harden later than others, so the safe advice is that children shouldn't start doing proper turnout or serious exercises until the age of 11.

Your feet can get quite deformed from pointe work, but that's way in the future, if you decide to go that far!
YES! If you are en pointe, your toe and foot curves change dramatically. After doing it 10 years, I KNOW!!
No it will not harm your legs. :) Just have your parents make sure they have what is called sprung floors so not to damage your knees with all the pounding from jumps and turns. No reputable instructor will ever put you on pointe without at least 3 to 4 yrs experience under your belt and most will evaluate you on this prior to giving you permission to join a class on pointe. After pointe you will have the ugliest feet known to man but the best looking legs on the beach. Happy Dancing to you ;)

Believe it or not many professional athletes take ballet classes. It improves balance and agility making injury during games less likely and kept to a minimum as to the severity when a injury does happen.
I've been doing Ballet and mine arn't. But some people think that 1st position will make you walk with your feet turned out. But NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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