I have always been wanting to do ballet, and since I have saved up all my money for it, I feel it is time for me to learn. Am I too young to learn it. I know so many girls that have been doing dance since they were like 5. I am just too old?
Is it too late to start Ballet @ 14 ?chinese theater
You are definatly not too old. And anyways...starting dancing when your older only makes you want to work harder and you can learn things easier than when your 3, because then you usually don't care. I took ballet when I was 3,4,5,and 8 and if I started again now I would most likely have to learn it all over again but I would be able to because I would want to learn it. Just try your best and don't worry what other people think when you first start off. You'll do fine, I know people who become professional dancers that don't start until they are 18 years old.
Is it too late to start Ballet @ 14 ?opera mini opera theater
no it is not 2 late...i know a girl who didnt start until she was 18 and is now a professional dancer
No,your totally not too old. I took it when i was 3 and i took it again when I was like, 10. But for example, you could try for the Nutcracker(lol i know, the name doesnt sound right), or Swan Lake, cuz they would look for someone your age. Your never too old to try something new:) Good luck!
nope of course not! im sure u can find classes available for older students willing to learn
It will take extremely hard work and discipline to start ballet at fourteen. You would need to practice and stretch frequently. You could also get one of your friends to help you with the steps.
Its never too late if you are really commited and try your best. You may have to take adult classes, but you should catch on quickly. Don't rush into going on pointe until your body is ready and you have truly developed the skills and balance needed to go on pointe without hurting yourself.
I don't think so. I started when I was eight, but then four years later I really got into musical theatre. The ballet really helped a lot with balance and such for jazz, and most people who do jazz/hip hop along with musical theatre have difficulty doing some of the things in musical theatre, (I'm saying all this in case you're thinking of taking, say, hip hop instead.) I know plenty of people who start ballet in their 20's and became great dancers. I knew a Michelle who was 60 but by the look of her you'd say she was 30. She started when she was 22. She's really good. It's never too late to start, and if you decide later on to do musical theatre or (I dunno,) cheerleading, the flexibility and balance will help a ton.
No! Of course it's not to late to start! I know plenty of girls who started in their early teens and are doing wonderful!
I took dance for five years when i was smaller. Then i quit at the age of 11, but i signed up for winterguard and colorguard when i got into high school, and our old instructor told us that it was too late if you wanted to persue it professionally, because of the way that your body develops if you don't do it in your earlier years.
My suggestion is that, since you're fourteen and you'll start high school soon, get involved with a dance team or colorguard with marching band, because there's still a lot of dance involved, and figure out if it's what you really want before you deticate your life to ballet.
Never give up on your dreams, it is never too late! go for it! and enjoy it!!!!!
no its not too late at any age
You are NEVER too old to start anything...I know a girl who once started dance at 16!
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